Wednesday 6 July 2011


There are two ways to go about losing weight. Do it yourself or let diet experts do it for you - the food part that is....

Create your own healthy low calorie meal plan (that adds to 1200 calories a day for women and 1500 calories for men) and follow it diligently and lose weight.

Conact 'DIET CARE' who will prepare low fat / low calorie, yet nutritionally balanced meals for you and deliver it to your home everday. Contact them to know their different meal plans and membership charges. You can fix an appointment with their Dietitian to discuss your weight issue, and design a meal plan suitable for you. Diet Care outlets are located in Agaila and Sharq. Diet Care not only helps people lose weight, but those who are underweight and want to gain, they will design diets to increase your weight. 

You can contact Diet Care at : 1806050

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