Friday 29 July 2011


I am quite fond of mushrooms and enjoy cooking them. The other day, I noticed several varieties of mushrooms at new opened Sultan Center outlet next to Shaab Leisure Park. Mushrooms are actually fungi and there exists a huge variety of mushrooms which are poisonous. Ofcourse the ones we get in the supermarkets are totally safe, except avoid the overly discoloured ones. Mushrooms make delicious recipes and they can be cooked in different ways, like grilling, broiling, frying, stir frying and boiling. They make wonderful soups and delicious stir fried dishes.
They have many health benefits and let's examine what they are:

* Mushrooms are a source of antioxidants that help fight free radicals.
* Mushrooms provide you Vitamin D and they are only vegetable which is a source of Vitamin D. Like humans, mushrooms produce Vitamin D in sunlight.
* An important source of Vitamin B2 and B3
* Contains high level of selenium, vital for healthy bladder.
* Helps in preventing obesity.
* They are rich in iron (essential for blood and preventing anemia), calcium (for healthy bones), pottasium (for lowering BP) and copper (anti bacterial)
* Helps in lowering cholestrol
* They make healthy low calorie diet for diabetics.
* Boosts body's immunity
Some pictures of several varities of mushrooms available at Sultan Center beside Shaab Leisure park.

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