Sunday 10 July 2011


It was reported by Web MD that sitting for long hours may lead to an increased risk for blood clots in the lungs, which can be fatal. Researchers are of the opinion that decreased blood flow in the legs cause pieces of the blood clots formed in the legs to break off and travel to the lungs which is the main cause of pulmonary embolisms. It’s the third most common cause of cardiovascular death and it’s about as common as strokes,” said Christopher Kabrhel one of the researchers.

 Sitting for a long period devoid of physical activity increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and certain forms of cancer. People with sedentary jobs should get get up and move about every two hours and do light stretch exercises for their legs and hands, at their desks. A lot of people return home after sedentary jobs and relax at home in front of the T.V. or computer extending their period of sitting, which is damaging for health. Find time for regular exercise like walking or aerobics atleast 5 times a week.

When you travel on a long journey by plane or train, try to get up and move several times in between your journey, to ensure proper blood circulation in your legs and rest of the body. 

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