Sunday 3 July 2011


Ayala's herbal water is infused with herbs, spices and fruit peels that give it a pleasant flavour. During the hot summer, when you are outdoors for long hours or walking in the mall for a long time, it's important to replenish yourself with plenty of liquids especially water. It's best to stay away from sweetened drinks, high calorie shakes and soft drinks. Herbs contain antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, and other nutrients, and studies suggest herbs have healing and relaxing properties. Ayala's organic herbal water is made from organic ingredients and contain no artificial sweeteners, preservatives, or additives of any kind. They contain zero calories. If you haven't tasted them, try out the herbal water that contains herbs, spices and fruit peel infusion of your choice. Ayala's herbal water is available in all Sultan Center outlets. 

Do you know you can make your own herbal water as well. Boil water (say 2 glasses). Keep aside. Drop some herbs and or spices of your choice. Use sparingly, as you don't want the taste to be too strong or yucky. Cool to room temperature, strain and have. If you want some sweetness, add a wee bit of honey and stir. Experimenting would be fun. 

The various herbs and ingredients used in Ayala herbal water are  Lemongrass, Thyme, Lavender, Mint, Lemon Verbena, Rose Geranium, Cloves, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Orange Peel, Ginger Root, Lemon Peel and Vanilla Bean.  


  1. mmmm nice
    i will try it

  2. Hi meondiet, you are welcome. Thankyou for visiting my blog

  3. Thanks so much for posting this lovely review of Ayala's Herbal Water! We're delighted that you enjoy our unique herbal blends and can buy them locally at Sultan Center outlets. We truly appreciate your support!! :)
