Monday 25 July 2011


The newly opened SULTAN CENTER beside Shaab Leisure Park, has an organic dairy products counter, as soon as you enter, selling  really delicious, farm fresh organic locally produced milk, several variety of cheese, leban and butter. They do not contain any preservatives. The locally produced cheese available are from both goat and cow. If you are a cheese lover, the Haloumi cheese is something they have at this farm fresh organic counter you have to try, besides several other variety. What I liked about the Haloumi cheese is it had  acceptable level of salt,which maked the taste and feel of the cheese distinct and pleasant. It's not 'salty' like the processed and packaged Haloum brands you get in the other places. Try out the samplers, you will be surprised. Cow milk at this counter tastes amazing, when you try it out, it is light, it has a natural sweetness to as it is unprocessed. 
Sultan Center - righ beside Shaab Leisure Park

Baladi Cheese

Variety of cheese samples from fresh cow and goat milk

If you are cheese lover, you will certainly enjoy the several variety of organic farm fresh cheese they have, especially the Haloum

Delicious butter

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