Tuesday 19 July 2011


Dr. Jason Locklin and team at University of Georgia have created a 'spray on' solution that will stop bacterial growth when sprayed on to clothes. His technology is simple and inexpensive chemisty. The spray does not wash out after multiple hot washes and does not require repeated applications to maintain effectiveness.  It can be used on medical linens, clothing, shoes, carpet, plastic, face masks, paper towels, even diapers, intimate apparel, athletic wear, and smelly socks  and keep them permanently germ free. The super spray would be highly useful in hospitals and hotels.

Dr. Jason Locklin (centre) with his project team; Vikram Dhende (left), graduate student, and  Ian Hardin (right),  professor in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences. (Image credit: University of Georgia)
For detailed article visit LINK at Science Daily

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