Saturday 16 July 2011


Do you give yourself excuses when it comes to losing weight?. Do you binge, snack and give into temptation? Do you find yourself saying 'Oh, but I hardly eat anything!' or 'I am on a diet, but i'ts difficult for me to lose any weight'. On a weight loss journey, you can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Craving is just one of body's ways of wanting to revert back to what you have been feeding it with all this time. A change in diet always give rise to withdrawal symptoms like headache, temptations and cravings but that should not deter you from sticking to your weight loss journey. Be patient, eat wise, choose from healthy food groups. Give it a week or two, and all the symptoms will slowly subside. In 21 days, you would get used to eating healthy and would lose some weight. And you can certainly lose more.

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