Tuesday 26 July 2011


The easiest thing to do when you are fed up of a weight loss regime, is to give up. The effort of exercising restraint and watching others eat whatever they want and have a good time, the fast food advertisements on T.V. , the numerous restaurants around you whenever you go out, the difficulty of having to say 'No' when you are come face to face with an exotic buffet or food at a party.....all this can have such a disastrous effect on you, that you might get more tempted to 'Give up' and eat whatever you like. But then, how are you going to realize your goal? What is it that you want for yourself...lose weight, experience good health, look and feel good or give up, eat whatever you want, whenever you want, without restraint or thought and then look at all your thin friends or thin people around you and think, 'Oh I wish I could be thin; Oh I wish I could lose weight; Oh if I could only lose 10 kg!'.

In every achievement in life, there are struggles, there is huge relentless effort required. There would be obstacles you would face.  It is not easy. At the same time, it is not a herculean task!  Like I always say, losing weight is not an impossible task, if only you take that one decision and stick to it. You could have your favourite snack or bit of fast food in moderation, just during the weekend, keeping a track on the calories you consume. It's when you totally deprive yourself of what you like, you feel greatly tempted to indulge. Don't lose sight of your goal. Imagine yourself thin everyday. Keep going and you will reach your target weight, or somewhere close to it. There is no reward in giving up. Aggressively believe in your weight loss regime and don't ever ever ever give up.

When you lose several pounds or a few kilos, you will definitely feel lighter, better and healthier and experience a renewed sense of confidence and well being.

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