Wednesday 3 August 2011


Avoid junk food, take aways and fried or fattening foods
With restaurants, fast food joint, take away facilities, life appears much easier. After a tired day at work, it's easy to pick up some fast food from the numerous restaurants around. Most fast food joints also have home delivery service; just dial them, place an order and in half hour or so, there is nothing more joyous than relishing in your favourite fast food if you are a fast food addict. For a lot of people, unwinding, relaxing or having a good weekend means eating out and indulging in all the rich wonderful tasting food.

It's quite true that in today's food culture, a lot of people and children are addicted to fast food and take aways. It's impossible to lose weight and even be disease free if you frequently indulge in junk food. Average take away or junk food contain way beyond the recommended daily calories and large amount of salt. You would do your health a whole lot of good by cutting away junk food and replacing it with healthy home cooked meals.

Fasting during Ramadan is therapeutical as it gets rid of the toxins accumulated in the body and gives the digestive system a whole lot of rest during the fasting period from dawn to dusk. After breaking the fast, one should go easy on the quanity of food that is consumed. Overeating is best avoided. Eat a balanced healthy, light, non-greasy, non-fattening foods and avoid too many sweets.

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