Sunday 7 August 2011


In continuation to my previous blog on CONFIDENCE, let me share some tips to boost your self confidence.

1. Body Language: Your facial expression, body language and the vibe you give off, will either draw people towards you or away from you. Be pleasant but don't try too hard to be impressive as it will show in your expression. Talk with confidence and the allow conversation to flow naturally.

2. How you dress: Wear comfortable clothes and dress according to your age. If a person in his 40's or 50's would dress like a teen in hip clothes, it does not give a good impression. And if a young person in his or her 20's or 30's dresses up like a middle aged person, that does not suit either. Do not wear ill fitting clothes and always dress according to the occasion and never dress sloppy.  

3. Know your positive traits and strength and let that shine. Don't make fun of yourself or put yourself down in front of others. Don't give people a distorted image of yourself. When you value and appreciate yourself, others will respect you for who you are.

4. Keep good company: Don't surround yourself with toxic, cynical, pessimisstic or negative people who wear you down with harsh criticisms and negative or berating talk and drain you off your confidence.

5. Be nice to yourself: What you tell yourself in your mind, affects your charisma, moods and confidence. Don't batter yourself when you can't get something right or some undertaking lead to failure or things aren't going right. Wear a positive attitude and realize nothing bad lasts forever. You are unique and always be aware of your positive qualities and talents and nuture them. You can always work on your weak points and improve in areas you would like to.

6. Be knowledgeable: Read the news, current affairs, and improve your general knowledge related to science and technology, global events, issues related to health, develop your skills and talents and you will be surprised at the different topics you can discuss about in a group of people. Improve your efficiency, skills and productivity in relation to your work so that you can feel more confident at work.

7. Being confident also means accepting and loving yourself irrespective of your qualifications, position in your office, physical atttributes, colour or race or status in society and realizing you too are God's special creation, like everyone else.


  1. Great advice wish I'd read this before a soiree, the other night, to which I wore the most uncomfortable dress which had me focusing on the dress. Good tip about current affairs always a good converstation starter. Thanks :O)

  2. Thankyou LWDLIK! Glad you liked the post.
