Friday 5 August 2011


Our body uses stored water to keep cool, but a lot of women hold on to too much water and end up feeling and looking bloated in the summer. To get rid of 5 pounds of water in three weeks, have 2 cups of FENNEL TEA daily. Fennel is a diuretic that will help in eliminating that excess water retained in your body. It is also known to reduce food craving.

Fennel tea has a pleasant taste and a wonderful aroma. To prepare the tea, boil 3/4 cup water, add 1 teaspoon of the herb’s fresh and crushed seeds.  Keep on low fire for about 3 to 5 minutes. It should not boil. Strain and drink one cup twice daily in between meals. If you do this for three or even six weeks maximum, you will notice an improvement in your digestive system and you will feel lighter, as Fennel tea helps in flushing  the excess water stored in your body.

This tea is not only healthy but it is also therapeutic. It contains some ingredients which help the body relax. It also flushes out the toxins from the body. Traditionally, people used this herb to stop stomach bloating and excess gas.

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