Monday 15 August 2011


It's not just the seas and oceans...we humans are 'water bodies' too. Though it does not appear so on the outside, 70% of our bodies are made up of water. 90% of our brain, 22% of our bones and 75% of our muscle and 83% percent of blood are made of water!  Water is absolutely vital and required for a lot of important functions within our body that includes maintaining stable body temperature, digestive processes, transportation of nutrients, and dispelling of wastes. Water is lost through sweating, dispelling of  wastes and during fasting, the body is deprived of water for hours at a stretch, and this means, we have to replace the lost water. So you see, we can't simply stay without water. It's important to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to facilitate proper functioning of our body.
Those who are observing Ramadan fast must ensure that they drink the 8 to 10 glasses of water from dusk (after breaking of fast) until dawn (starting of fast).

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