Wednesday 17 August 2011


When I was at Geant hypermarket, at 360 Mall, they had this  beautiful display of huge bunches of yellow dates "khalal," hanging from the  stems. "Khalal" is the second of four main stages of dates. This wonderful fruit is highly nutritious and energizing.
The first stage is the  green "kimri" stage, followed by the "khalal" stage as shown in the pictures, then comes the soft, gooey "rutab" stage. The final stage, called "tamar," when they are firm and dark and it is in this form, dates are found in plenty in the market.. However, people in the Middle east enjoy the yellowish dates which are crisp like an apple. They actually lack the sweetness of the rutab or tamar stage of dates. Personally I prefer the rutab and tamar dates.  Dates is a wonderful fruit, highly nutritious and energizing. Make it a point to have a few dates everyday.

Here are a few pictures I took of the yellow dates  at Geant.

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