Tuesday 13 September 2011


Some pictures from the time of leaving Kuwait unitl after our arrival at  Heathrow airport, London, (transit) to Chicago.

Leaving Kuwait ....

My lunch while travelling by British Airways

My husband's lunch - veggie lasagna

Killing time during the flight - a not so good attempt at pencil sketching the beautiful temple architecture on the centre left of the flight magazine. Well..pencil sketching kept me occupied for quite a while!

Excitement dawns looking downwards prior to approaching Heathrow, London....beautiful, refreshing and green!

Isn't this amazing?

All I could say was 'Wow...at nature at its best'

Passengers moving about at Heathrow airport

Transit passengers at Heathrow

Absolutely - smoking kills! - stay away from smoking....salvage your lungs and health

Some yummy healthy salads....


The pictures of the salads were taken at this outlet

I love Oakley sunglasses....

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