Monday 12 September 2011


Hi Everyone!

I am back from my vacation, quite a short one though... 18 days ! However, I had a fabulous time visiting my son in Michigan, U.S. and my daughter in England. Iam seeing them after a year and I was quite touched by their love and affection and all that they did to make our vacation a truly memorable one. I enjoyed all the places I visited....lots of sightseeing, great food, and memorable time spent with my beautiful children. Wish I could have spent some more time with them, but my husband has to return to work and his holidays were short. A huge thanks to my husband for all his enthusiasm and effort to make this beautiful trip possible and being generous enough when I did all my shopping.

I hope all those who celebrated Eid had a fantastic time. This is the first time I am away during the end of Ramadan and Eid, so I did miss all the celebrations and events that would have taken place in Kuwait. I look forward to blogging on lots of interesting and inspiring things. Life is a gift....and I realize how important it is to appreciate it and make the best of it and appreciate our family and friends, the bounties and blessings in our lives.

Kuweight 64


  1. Yay!! Welcome Back!! :)I am sure you had a fantastic time. I am waiting to read more about all the updates, looking fwd to many blog posts inspired from your vacation..We missed you..take care :)
