Tuesday 11 October 2011


Steve Jobs (Apple) with Bill Gates (Microsoft)

13 years ago, APPLE was on the verge of bankruptcy. Coming to the rescue, Microsoft invested $ 150 million in Apple and had that not happened, the world probably may not have seen iPods, iPads, iPhones and iMacs. That saw Apple rise to its glory led by Steve Jobs. From $ 6 a share to $ 300, its amazing what the company has achieved over the years. For the complete amazing story of how Apple survived from near bankruptcy to Billions, visit the orignal story HERE. The original story was published in Business Insider by Alyson Shontell.

So what's to be learned from their story? (The following is an excerpt from the original article):
  • Think simple - The iPad is so simple 2-year-olds can use it.
  • Be different - Like the iMac.
  • Be a risk taker and make tough decisions - Jobs partnered with Microsoft and nixed the Newton.
  • Make great products, and package them even better - Show customers what they want, like the iPhone did.
  • Create an experience - Apple did this with their stores. And hype, like Macworld does for the media.
  • Be confident - don't hold focus groups and ask people what they think.
  • Be passionate - Steve Jobs said in his Stanford commencement speech: "Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become."

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