Sunday 9 October 2011


Have you been to a restaurant and was infuriated by lack of service or exceptionally poor service? This picture I came across while browsing, reminded of an incident. It was 3 years ago. My son wanted to treat me at a newly opened restaurant on Mother's Day, so off we went...with huge expectations. Well, when we reached,  there were so many people waiting and we just had to wait out for about 20 minutes for table to be free. Okay...we waited ...patiently...Then we were glad we got a 'table'. We placed our order and waited...for 15 became 20 minutes...then 25...then 30 minutes! We were shocked at their lack of 'service'. We talked to the manager and I gave him a 'sermon';  he apologised and promised we would get our order in 5 minutes and if that didn't happen, it's on the house...we don't have to pay. We looked at our watches, 10 minutes passed. Now how long did we wait for our Mother's Day lunch...more than an hour! We were upset...but didnt want the day to spoil. We did contemplate leaving several times....but we chose to stay on hoping we would get our order 'anytime now'. Well, they did bring the food finally...and we didn't have to pay for it...and we got some nice dessert on the house. It was one Mother's Day my son and I will never forget. I  would never wait in a restaurant like that ever again!

1 comment:

  1. Hm, I bet the person who shared that photo in the internet also had the same experience as yours. Waiting doesn’t have to be that way. They should’ve given you at least something to eat or do while waiting. It’s good that restaurants are now finding ways to help reduce the customer’s waiting time. What was your son’s reaction to it, though? He wanted to treat you on Mother’s Day, but it so happened that the restaurant treated you to dinner.
