Sunday 9 October 2011


One of the things I truly enjoy is being outdoors, amidst's absolutely rejuvenating. On Friday, we went to the beach near Marina Waves (Waterfront), Gulf Road, Salmiah at 4pm.The weather was fantastic. The landscaped grassy areas beside the pathways and walkways was occupied by families seated on the grass or on their folding chairs, barbecuing or eating what they brought from home or from out. On the walkways, kids were busy roller skating and cycling. Makes you want to be a child again! There were young men playing foot ball on the sand. The beach was crowded with families and children on the sand enjoying the pleasant weather and the beautiful sea. There were lots of people swimming in the waters. We took a long walk on the landscaped pavements and later walked on the sand and waited until sunset. There was a lot of activity in the sea....young men on their jet skis and motor boats zooming across the waters..On the sandy area near Marina Waves, are play areas for children where they are sure to have a lot of fun. There is an enclosed area near the walkway, where children can bring their cycles and pratise low key stunts.

It was around 5.30pm and the sun began to set . The sky looked magnificent as we watched the sunset. Being at the beach would certainly give anyone a wonderful feeling of peace and tranquility. The sea and the waves have a soothing effect on us. It's such a great feeling to walk barefoot in sand.  It's a good exercise and you connect with earth while you walk barefoot. And if you like to wet your feet or swim in the waters, what better way to relax...and enjoy! If you want to do something different...why not visit the waterfront beach. Take advantage of the wonder weather. The waterfront stretches from Scientific Centre and goes way beyond the Seif Palace. And you don't even have to pay....for a visit to the waterfront beach.


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