Tuesday 25 October 2011


If you are struggling to get sleep or tend to work late into the night and get less than 6 hours of sleep everyday, that's not good news for your health or well being. You don't want to be tired and sluggish at work due to lack of sleep right? Everyone loves the feeling of feeling fresh, energetic with clarity of mind and face a new day with zest. Whatever may be your reason for sleeplessness, it's vital you get good sleep or you are pushing your body towards illness. Let's explore what are the five foods can help you sleep.

A few hours (2 to 3 hours) before bedtime, have any of these 5 items to get sound sleep.

1.   Almonds: A handful contains muscle-relaxing They contain magnesium which relaxes your muscles and  tryptophan which induces sleep.
2.   Bananas: They contain natural sleep regulators.  
3.   Skim milk:  A warm glass of milk will help you sleep with its natural sedative effect.
4.   Oatmeal:  Contains sleep regulating melatonin. If you drizzle just a little honey on top, the combination will help you snooze.
5.   Whole-wheat bread: A slice of toast  will get you to sleep.

A tried and tested sure sleep inducer for me is milk and banana. I have 200 ml fresh milk at 7pm in the evening and a banana at 8.30 or 9pm and it works (not only as an aid to weight loss, but helps me to sleep well!) If you prefer fresh skim milk, you could have that. Personally I prefer fresh whole milk. Let me share a secret...that's my dinner!

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