Sunday 13 November 2011


Ginger is believed to have several health benefits besides it culinary uses in our everyday lives. I use ginger in my cooking regularly and occasionally when we catch a cold or fever. And I love to have ginger tea (with milk and little sugar), which is quite rejuvenating. Reminds me, it's been a while since I made my self a cup of tea infused with ginger. Well, lets a look at all the wonderful medicinal benefits this wonder root ginger can offer us, and also, how about exploring certain beliefs and myths surrounding it.

* It is known to reduce arthritic joint pain.

* Studies have shown that when crushed root ginger is applied on the skin in and around the knee joint where rheumatic or arthritic pain is experienced, ir will considerably reduce or ease the pain, especially by repeated application.

* Alternately, 5 drops of ginger essential oil diluted in 20 drops of carrier oil (such as wheat germ and almond) can be used to lightly massage aching knees and joints. 

* Helps lowers cholesterol.

* Ginger is used as a treatment for stomach cramping and diarrhea as it has anti bacterial properties and has calming and soothing effect on the digestive tract.

* It helps to cure travel sickness as it wards off nausea

* It alleviates seasickness and morning sickness.

* Ginger tea is consumed as remedy for colds--it can make you sweat, which can break a fever.

* In India, a ginger paste is applied to the temples as a treatment for headaches.

* It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, nerve soothing, anti-pyretic as well as anti-bacterial properties

* Rich source of many essential nutrients and vitamins such as pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5) that are essential for optimum health.

* Contains fair amount of important minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

* Ginger root slices boiled in hot water with added lemon or orange juice and honey is a popular herbal drink that helps relieve common cold, cough, and sore throat.

* Helps reduce migrane.

* It is supposedly a   powerful aphrodisiac.

* In Chinese traditional medicine, they see it as warming the blood and boosting the circulation.

* In some parts of the world, vocalists and singers have been known to take ginger before a performance to help clear the vocal chords, enabling a ‘purer’ and 'sweeter' tone to be produced while singing.

* Its used in a lot of meat and fish based recipes and cooking and used in garnishing as well.

* 50% of world's ginger is produced in India.

* Gingerbread man or gingerbread biscuits first appeared  in the court of Elizabeth I of England during the 15th century. She had the gingerbread figures made and presented to resemble some of her important guests.

* Crystallized ginger is made from fresh ginger cooked in a sugar syrup, then coated with granulated sugar which results in a crunchy, chewy, sweet and spicy treat or a snack (that should be eaten in moderation due to the sugar it contains). It can be added to desserts, confectionary items, baked goods, sauces and other dishes where sweet and spicy would complement each other.

* For hundreds of years it graced only the dinner tables of the upper class or royalty.


* White ginger jar in porcelain is a traditional Chinese wedding gift, with an inscription that has the Chinese symbol for happiness, prosperity and fertility or it is emblazoned with a logo of the Dragon & Phoenix on either side, the Dragon representing the groom and the Phoenix representing the bride!

* If a person receives a yellow chinese porcelain ginger jar as a gift, its meant for health and long life and its not considered appropriate for receiver to give it away.

* Ginger is considered a spiritual and heavenly herb in many cultures around the world!

* Its believed to bring luck to the person who carries it around. (I am not advocating this's something I read).

* Ginger placed along with silver in a sachet of leather,  will bring money!. (What about the right qualifications, landing the right job, effort and dedicated work?.hmmm...)

 * If a person dreams of a ginger cat, it will bring luck in money and business. (I never dreamt of a cat so far, but I did see a lovely ginger cat during my walk at the Marina waterfront last week)

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