Thursday 17 November 2011


What happens after everyone enjoys a picnic or barbecue in public parks and waterfront...where does all the garbage go? the pepsi cans, empty mineral bottles, paper or plastic plates, cups, plastic bags, left over foods, packaging...well, you can see a lot of these lying around. At the Marina waterfront, there are cleaning staff who keeps picking up the trash from the ground, walkways, car park and the grassy areas and trying to keep the place clean. Now there are areas, they cannot reach, like the rocks and the sea.  Why can't people who do barbecue or bring food into the public parks, beaches or waterfront,  clean up and throw the garbage away into the bins provided, before leaving,  instead of littering the enviroment. Best part is there are garbage bins in all public parks and waterfront areas. Would they do that to their home or premises? Carelessly throwing garbage in public places, ruins the environment.  Garbage lying around besides being sore sight,   putrifies, giving rise to disease causing bacteria, attract ants, flies and roaches. Oh I almost forgot. That's not all - besides the existing litter from food, people bring their dogs for walk in the park and  dog poop is another sick sight one has to watch out for during walking. Authorities should put up big sign boards saying 'Dogs owners - do not let your dog poop in park' and 'Do not litter', 'Clean up after barbecue', 'Throw garbage in bins provided'. 

Eat, drink, have a good time in public places, but its important keep our environment clean. Now for some pictures of the litter I saw at the park.


A pit in the park (with garbage) which can be dangerous for little children. The pit is deeper than it appears in the photo.  

Left over food rotting in plastic cover

Decaying apples and other food remains in a plastic cover

After barbecue

I don't know what this tire is doing in the park (been there for over a month)

If you look closely or click to enlarge, you can see the rubbish floating in the sea

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