Wednesday 23 November 2011


A  £1,500 talking plate aka Mandometer has been devised to help overweight and obese people lose weight. It works by monitoring the quanity of food on the plate and the speed with which people are eating it. If you eat fast, it will politely remind you 'Please eat more slowly'. If you are full and don't stop eating, it will ask you 'Are you feeling full yet?'

The National Health Service of UK, will run trials of the talking plate with coordination from Bristol University, that will include around 600 families with atleast one obese parent and one obese child.
A separate trial will be carried out at the Biomedical Research Unit of the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust which will involve 12 adults and children who are unable to recognise when they are full due to a gene mutation.

The Mandometer consists of two parts,  a scale which is placed under a plate and a computer screen displaying graphics of the weight of the food. It was used as an eating disorder treatment in March 2011 by the US Food and Drug Administration and Mandometer clinics have been introduced in Australia and Sweden.

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