Tuesday 22 November 2011


Tabasco in Mexico is considered the likely birthplace of chocolate - the famous Maya chocolate. The people of ancient Maya  grew cacao and drank chocolate mixed with water, honey, and even chilli peppers.    They believed chocolate had medicinal value. Offerings of cacao beans were given to the gods, and chocolate drink was a part of religious ceremonies.   Chocolate definitely has an ancient history. Cacao seeds were the currency during the times the people of Maya and Aztecs traded. The Aztecs believed that cacao was brought to earth from paradis and that wisdom and power could be had by consuming the seed.
Spicy maya chocolate drink

spicy maya chocolate

Spicy maya chocolate truffles
Maya chocolate in Tabasco, Mexico is rated as one of World's top 10 chocolates by National Geographic. Hot chocolate recipe Maya style is thick, foamy, bittersweet, and flavoured with chilli peppers. Having hot chocolate drink or chocolate bar with chilli peppers makes the throat feel warm and the nose tingle with each sip or bite. The Spanish conquerers who came in later, tempered the bitter brew with sugar, cinnamon, ground almonds, which is. Have you tasted spicy chocolate? I haven't - I wouldn't mind trying.