Friday 18 November 2011


People seldom or rarely keep a tab on how long during the  day do they spending talking on the mobile? Mobile addicts ought to know some facts about electro magnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones, to safeguard their health. The existence of mobile radiation is brushed off by people as nothing or insignificant. Let's not do that...Based on scientific studies here is what every mobile phone user should know.

1. Cancer experts from World Health Organisation state that mobile phone users may be at increased risk from brain cancer and should use texting and hands-free devices to reduce exposure.

2. Radiation emitted by cellphones is measured in terms of 'specific absorption rate' (SAR) which represents the amount of radio waves absorbed by the body tissue while using a mobile phone. SAR is different for different phones. SAR is the highest when a user is talking on the mobile phone. All leading mobile phone manufacturers specify SAR value in their user manual.

3. The lower the SAR value, the better. Cellphones with SAR level that exceed 1.6 watts per kg (W/kg) cannot officially be sold in U.S.,  while manufacturers in Europe has to ensure that the SAR level should not exceed 2W/kg.

4. WHO classifies mobile phone radiation on the International Agency for Research on Cancer scale into "Group 2B", or possibly carcinogenic.

5. Where the network signal is weak, cellphones emit maximum radiation!. Its recommended that the phone should be used outdoors, or move close to a window, and to avoid lifts and basements. Use a landline at home or in office. A wired handsfree is considered safe.

6. SAR value of Apple iPhone 4, is 1.17
Samsung Galaxy S2 has a SAR of 0.338
Samsung NexusS has  0.58 
BlackBerry Curve 8310 has  0.72.

7.  Electro magnetic radiation from mobile phones and towers pose serious health risks. "People continuously exposed to such radiation reported symptoms, ranging from burning and tingling sensation in the scalp, fatigue, sleep disturbances, dizziness, ringing in the ears, headache and palpitation," a report said. Children, adolescents and pregnant women should avoid excessive use of cellphones while people with medical implants should keep their cellphone at least 30 cm away while talking.

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