Saturday 5 November 2011


This t-shirt is available in 'ZARA' (Avenues Mall and Marina Mall)
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, 'If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads'.

We live in an age where we are surrounded by an overflow of information and the best way to take advantage of it  is engage in reading novels, magazines, newspapers and even the Internet is a great learning tool and contains a world of information we could dive into. Reading helps us discover new things, develops our imagination, our creative side and also develops our mind and gives us a renewed self image. The mind is a muscle which needs exercise just as our body needs food, air and exercise.    Reading is the best exercise you can give your mind.

Here is a famous quote by H.G. Wells. He said, 'I had just discovered the art of leaving my body to sit impassive in a crumpled up attitude in a chair or sofa, while I wandered over the hills and far away in novel company and new scenes... My world began to expand very rapidly,... the reading habit had got me securely'.

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