Tuesday 1 November 2011


There are times when we let small issues upset us to a point of blowing them completely out of proportion. And most of those fears and worries we hold on to, never really happen. We allow far too much of our energy to be consumed by worrisome thoughts, when we could invest the same energy in something more important in our lives.

Worrying over trivials or small issues drains our energy and can make us unhappy, dissatisfied with life and even sick. A lot of these small issues get solved on their own through time. We have to learn to accept that time is great healer. Instead of being consumed by less important matters that take up our energy, thoughts and time, we can give importance to things that really do matter, and enrich ourselves with patience and understanding. We can treat minor issues as a passing matter and not fall prey to emotional roller coaster ride thinking of minor issues. Now take a look at the 'The Worry Chart', for some interesting statistics!

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