Wednesday 14 December 2011


I have been posting a lot on Weight loss, healthy eating and lifestyle, since February 2011. All the  information I share is absolutely safe, based on tried and tested methods  on losing excess weight adhering to healthy nutrition and exercise;  feeding your body what it really needs,  cutting down on unwanted calories and  eliminating sugary and fat laden foods. I have always given importance to behavior modification as a means to promote and accomplish permanent healthy eating habits, a gateway to losing weight.

I am so excited....guess why? Well, at last….I managed to lose all the excess weight!!!!!.  I weighed 76 kg in February 2011. I couldn’t fit into my clothes and my weight made me uncomfortable, that’s when I decided, this can’t go on…I have to lose weight. My goal was to become 64 kg, which meant losing 12 kilos. While  trying to lose weight, I made an effort to eat from healthy food groups. After 10 months of being on a weight loss journey, I have lost 11 kg and now I weigh 65 kg. I must admit that though I used to follow a healthy low calorie diet, I wasn’t exercising regularly. So losing all the excess weight took some time.  Now  I just have one more kilo to lose and I am working towards it.

One important thing I must share with you is being on a ‘wheat free’ diet since October 2011, accelerated my weight loss. I used to have wholemeal breads and brown breads earlier and I  substituted wheat with rice and potatoes for my carbohydrate requirement.  I didn’t resort to ‘gluten free’ substitutes to wheat.  Had I exercised regularly atleast  five times a week for those 10 months, I am certain I would have achieved my goal faster and earlier. But it does not really matter, as I have lost all the excess weight and since the past two months, I have included exercising as an important part of my life.

Losing weight is something you can actually do by cutting down on calories, eliminating junk food, eating healthy wholesome foods and exercising – go jogging, walking, swimming, cycling or get a tread mill and use that. Go outdoors and get your exercise.  There are so many videos on you tube and so many exercises you can browse on the internet to help you chose exercise that best suits you.  Take a look at interesting aerobic exercises and put on some music and lose weight while you have fun. Rope in some like minded friends to join you for exercise to beat the boredom of doing it alone.  Losing weight is not a herculean task! Give yourself couple of months and you will be so surprised and delighted at what you can achieve and your family and friends would be equally shocked too!  Don't go for any fad diets or weight loss pills and potions, they don't help at all. If you want to lose weight – don’t wait until New Year…start today.

My biggest achievement during that past 10 months  – Not craving for junk food , sugary or fried stuff and I am able to say ‘No’ to bad food.  I am able to have a nice time in so many ways which certainly does not include indulging in food.  


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  2. hey there, i have been your blog since march and was regular in reading your updates on weight lose. I happy for you on your success and it an inspiration. You mentioned "you have been having fun in many ways which does not include indulging in food". Could you please share some activities that you can do around in kuwai with us . I leave in Kuwait too. Thanks

  3. Taking healthy food in daily life is one of the biggest Exercises to Lose Weight

  4. Hi dozenroses786! Thankyou for visiting my blog. Please visit, and for loads of interesting things to do in Kuwait, especially if you like art, music, cultural activities, food, shopping, entertaining shows and so on.

  5. Hi Jack! Thankyou for visiting my blog. You are absolutely right!
