Saturday 18 June 2011


Interested in watching romanticdrama-mystery? Then ALL GOOD THINGS is something you would like watching on DVD. I watched it last night and thought of it sharing it on my blog. The movie (released in December 2010)  is inspired and  loosely (or perhaps closely...)  based on the real life story of Robert Durst, son of a wealthy powerful real estate tycoon. I'll try to make the plot as short as possible so as to not spoil the entertainment value. Robert Durst falls in love with Kathy, gets married and one day she disappears. What are the incidents that led to her disappearance? Durst was a suspect....What happened to Kathy? Well, you will have to watch and find out! The film is directed by Andrew Jarecki. and stars Ryan Gosling, Kirsten Dunst and Frank Langella as the powerful father. The movie amazingly captures and portrays the emotion and complexity of this real-life mystery. Kirsten Dunst who dons the role of Durst's wife who goes missing, looks beautiful in the movie and has given a splendid performance.  I enjoyed the movie...hope you do too! 
Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Dunst



My Cinnamon Tea
Cinnamon has an enticing aroma and spicy-sweet flavour and is one the oldest known spice for it's medicinal value. I was quite impressed with what this unassuming spice can actually do for us if we include it in our daily diet. I have been having cinnamon tea every morning, for over a week and thought of sharing the health benefits of cinnamon and cinnamon tea in my blog. 

* It's a great source of manganese, fiber, iron and calcium, very essential for our body.

* Half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder per day can lower LDL cholestrol.

* Helps reduce fatigue. 

* According to research at the Wheeling Jesuit University showed that cinnamon's aroma boosts brain activity, resulting in increased cognitive abilities, memory, motor-response speed and alertness, improving focus and attention.  

* Cinnamon  improves blood circulation and have a warming effect, encourages energy flow to the abdomen which makes the digestive organs benefit from this herbal remedy. A small amount of cinnamon tea will help relieve gas and a larger amount will help relieve constipation. 

* In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.

* In a research led by Dr. P. Zoladz and presented at the 2004 annual meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, found that just smelling cinnamon improved memory.

* According to Women Fitness, cinnamon in your daily diet, can help to create a thermogenic burn, which aids in reducing body fat by  boosting  your body's metabolism by as much as twenty times its natural rate. Drink cinnamon tea, or add half a teaspoon cinnamon powder to yoghurt to aid weight loss.

Try having cinnamon tea early morning, before you head to work or when you start your day at work, to feel rejuventated, alert, focused and a total feel good feeling and don't forget all the wonderful benefits that come along. It's easy to make. Add quarter to half a teaspoon cinnamon powder into your tea cup, pour tea and add your milk, half to one teaspoon of sugar or honey, stir well and there you go! If you don't like milk in your tea...that's okay, you can always have black tea mixed with cinnamon powder.  

Having a cinnamon based pastry, cake or apple pie is not a good way to get your cinnamon dose; remember the huge amount of sugar in pastries and cakes will not help you loose weight.


There is s a nice photography exhibition at the Marina Mall (Main entrance - Level 1), Salem Mubarak Street, Salmiah. The photographs depict nature and animals captured beautifully. 


I saw this in Bath Lothan Gift Shop. Would you like this for your bathroom?

A cute toilet paper dispenser for your bathroom!


Chinese Researchers and Scientists  at the State Key Laboratory of Agro biotechnology of the China Agricultural University  have produced a herd of genetically modified cows that make milk with the same properties as Human Breast Milk, but with a stronger and sweeter taste.  The transgenic herd of 300 cows was bred by inserting human genes into cloned Holstein dairy cow embryos which were then implanted into surrogate cows. "The genetically modified cow milk is 80 percent the same as human breast milk," said Li Ning,  professor and the project's director as well as lead researcher. "They contain proteins and antibodies like human breast milk,  are good for health and able to improve the  immune system. We still need to conduct clinical trials on human beings with volunteers and finally prove that this milk is good and safe for the elderly, infants and the ill, especially those suffering from chronic diseases," Li added. 
Professor Li Ning, Project Director & lead  Researcher 
Greenpeace notes that China has been investing considerably in genetically modified food research in recent years, despite the lack of a credible, independent system of supervision and inspection. It also insists that genetically modified products should not be allowed to enter the human food chain.
Chinese parents had a mixed response, with some wary but willing to give the milk a try while others were far more cautious. "I won't try it. Even if it's similar to human breast milk, it's still genetically modified," said a woman who gave her family name as Lu, the mother of a 14-month-old girl. "I think natural products are much better. I don't know what might happen if my daughter consumes genetically modified things." 

To visit full article, visit Source


Keep your mind in constant state of Openness

Friday 17 June 2011


I'ts the weekend. Give yourself a much deserved break and treat yourself and your family to a healthy, delicious and sumptuous breakfast at one of the best Italian Restaurants - CARLUCCIO'S, Avenues Mall. Start your day with your choice of a variety of breakfast from their wonderful Menu. They have included some new additions to their existing Breakfast Menu. If you are not an early person, you can even treat yourself to a late breakfast, as the timings are from 9am to 12noon. The best part being, there is great offer from CARLUCCIO'S - TWO FOR ONE (Breakfast for two persons for the price of one). They have fresh juices, tea and wonderful coffee.  So why not avail of this fabulous offer and the prices are very reasonable. 

Two for One breakfast offer is available everyday and valid upto June 30. 

 Location: Carluccio's, Avenues Mall, Phase 1, Level 1
Time: 9am to 12noon (daily)
Contact : Carluccio's at 22597310 or
Mr. Sumesh Kunjiraman, Restaurant Manager Ph: 60906372 


Trees are living beings, that breathe and are full of life and beauty.  They contribute immensely to the environment and form an integral part of nature.  When new buildings and roads are constructed , if there are trees that exist in the way, they become obstruction, and  are cut down. 

I saw this date palm tree, in Salmiah near a covered football court. The top portion of the tree has been chopped off and the DISFIGURED  tree is  being used as a post  with flood lights fixed  on top (to aid the players when football games take place I suppose).  If it's branches were not chopped,  the tree would have added some natural beauty to the bare land devoid of any greenery in that area. 

If this tree had a voice and could speak (like in those animated movies) what would it have said before being chopped?
a) Please don't chop me, I don't do any harm...
b) I am useful. I recycle the carbon di oxide you breathe out and covert into oxygen. I give  shade and dates. Birds make their homes and rest in my branches. And you want to chop me?
c) Me, an obstruction? Can't you fix a pole nearby and fix the flood lights on them.
d) How would you like if someone tried to destroy you or your home.
e) I belong here, I am a part of this land as much as you are, you have no right to chop me.
f) You need us...we maintain the ecological balance. Don't destroy that. 


Serena Williams after winning the Wimbledon July 2010
Health complications had kept 29 year old Serena Williams off the tennis court for almost a year, since winning Wimbledon on July 3, 2010. Shortly after that tournament, Williams injured her right foot by stepping on glass at a restaurant in Milan, Italy. Williams underwent two surgeries to correct the foot injury. She suffered a possible life threatening situation by Pulmonary embolism - multiple blood clots in her lung, which she said left her "literally on deathbed". She underwent an operation to remove the blood clot in March. After her surgery, in March, The Telegraph carried an article that reported Serena Williams battling depression. ''I definitely have not been happy,'' Williams had said. "Especially when I had that second (foot) surgery, I was definitely depressed. ''I cried all the time. I was miserable to be around.'' 

Serena Williams comeback June 14, Aegon International 2011, Eastbourne
After Serena Williams' miraculous recovery, she made a much awaited winning comeback to Tennis after almost a year out of action on Tuesday, June 14, beating Tsvetana Pironkovaas in the first round,  at the Aegon International 2011 tennis tournament at Eastbourne . During the second round on Wednesday June 15, Russia’s Vera Zonerava knocked out Serena Williams after a marathon encounter.  Serena's ranking from last year's World No. 1, is now No. 7. 

Serena said, “I am disappointed to be knocked out, I thought I would do better. But I’m pleased to come back and play two hours (Monday) and three hours today (Wednesday) is great. I am a bit sore but the foot feels okay". "You know, I haven't played in almost a year, so I'm a little sore. It's good I'm sore now, because hopefully next week I won't be as sore. "I could have won the match," she said. "I think that's just me not playing and not actually even holding a racquet for over eight months and then finally picking one up and being able to do that.  
In Serena Williams official website, Craig Gabriel writes, 'The winner of 13 Grand Slam titles is a perfectionist and she is never completely happy with her game because she always believes that she can do something better. That's the attitude which makes champions'.


Architects being creative people are always in search of creating new forms of architectural splendour. A young, talented architect William O’Brien Jr.'s attempt to bring out a unique home, the Alandale House (a Modern Hut) connecting with nature, using possibilities of new materials and technologies. William O'Brien Jr. is the Assisant Professor in the Department of Architecture in MIT School of Architecture and Planning. 
To know more about the Alendale Home visit Source

William O'Brien Jr. 


* Eating too fast - It takes 15 to 20 minutes for the brain to signal a feeling of fullness. Eating too fast means, you could end up eating more food than you require. 
* Spending long hours in front of T.V., computer games or internet (including spending long hours at sedentary jobs). 

* Junk Food - If you are dependent on junk food or fast food and you don't cook healthy food on a regular basis, you are bound to put on weight and not lose weight.

* Lack of Exercise - There is no use dieting if not supported by exercise. When you exercise regularly you will definitely burn calories. 

* Snacking while you watch T.V, or use the computer or while you drive. You may not realize how much you are eating which can add to your weight.  

* Not enough sleep - I had blogged previously that during sleep deprivation, ghrelin an appetite stimulating hormone is produced in our body that makes us eat more. So get plenty of sleep everyday.

* Emotional Eating - People tend to overeat when they are feeling sad or happy, excited, nervous, angry, lonely or depressed. And this can prevent one from losing weight.  

* Calorie count - If you have no idea how many calories you consume on a weight loss diet, you cannot lose weight.

* Missing Breakfast: Time and time again, studies have proved that if you miss breakfast, a very important meal of the day, you are likely not to lose weight.

* Late Dinner - Never have your dinner and then hit the bed. Be sure to allow two hours after dinner before you are off to bed. Sleeping immediately after dinner can lead to fat accumulation.

* Sweetened Drinks : If you have soft drinks, packeted juices and ready to stir and make juices, it would be difficult for you to lose weight.

* Pastries, sweets and chocolates - They are loaded with calories that can make you fat. If you have a sweet tooth and get tempted to eat pastries, sweeets and chocolates, well, then it's bad's time for a break up so you can lose weight.


The rainbow's end is always to be found at the conjunction of  where your thoughts, feelings and actions align.

Thursday 16 June 2011


Angelina Jolie in the latest Louis Vuitton ad 
Angelina Jolie's newest ad campaign, for Louis Vuitton was revealed. According to reports, Jolie received $10 million for the endorsement for "Core Values" campaign.  In the ad, the actress poses barefoot, fresh faced, wearing her own clothes, sitting in a tradtional wooden boat in Cambodia's Siem Reap province. The ad portrays Jolie with a Louis Vuitton Alto bag, priced at £7,000 (US$11,374) conveniently slung over her shoulder, for Louis Vuitton's "Core Values". The ad is featured in Herald Tribune on Wednesday and is expected to run for 18 months.  The ad photo is shot by world famous photographer Annie Leibovitz.

Angelina Jolie, Brad Bitt and their six children kids - Maddox, 9, Pax, 7, Zahara, 6, Shiloh, 5, and 2-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne
At Cannes Festival 2011
Angelina Jolie turned 36 on June 4. She is the recipient of an Oscar, three Golden Globe awards, she's got some killer tattoos with deep signficance and meaning, Brad Pitt who shares her life and is a committed father to the their six beautiful children; she is the Goodwill Ambassador for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and recently released movie Kung Fu Panda 2, where she voiced for the part of Master Tigress and she bagged a U.S. $ 10 million for Louis Vuitton Endorsement. Kung Fu Panda 2 has made it to the top of international box office charts with it's global appeal with earnings over $330 million worldwide. What more could any  woman want.... says an article in 

Angelina Jolie with mother Marcheline Bertrand (who died of cancer in 2007)

Angelina Jolie with her father John Voight

Angelina Jolie as a child


Last evening around 7.30pm, I couldn't help admiring the bright full moon absolutely luminous and in a while, the eclipse started to take place. It was a beautiful view. I took some pictures, but the clarity of course is not good. But something to share with you on my blog of this exciting experience. There were people and children gathered in different places looking up into the sky with their telescopes enjoying the view. The moon changed colour from a bright white to grey and then a dull orange shade. The eclipse is reported to have lasted for 101 minutes (1 hour, 41 minutes).

The total lunar eclipse that took place yesterday on June 15 is the first of two such eclipses in 2011, the second will occur on December 10, 2011. This is believed to be rare central lunar eclipse where the center point of Earth's shadow passes across the Moon. The last time a lunar eclipse was closer to the center of the earth's shadow was on July 16, 2000. The next central total lunar eclipse will be on July 27, 2018.

Here are some pictures I took yesterday of the Moon and the eclipse:

An eclipse of the moon is perfectly safe to watch with the naked eye; you're only looking at the Moon, at night, which is quite safe. A solar eclipse without eye wear protection, is potentially dangerous, because viewing a solar eclipse involves looking at the Sun, which can damage your eyesight. 

The following images of the June 15 Lunar Eclipse are from the internet: 

Sequence photography of the total lunar eclipse 
Google modifying its homepage logo for the cosmic event. A live view of the moon, is shown  in  one of the letter O's in Google's  logo.

Via - Image credit Derek Keats (skywatcher, Johannesburg, South Africa)


I was at Orient Sports in Salmiyah last evening, and just before entering the shop, I couldn't help noticing their 'Notices' for customers' attention, outside their entrance. 

No smoking! That's wonderful....Yes, why smoke and suffocate other customers in the shop....

No Icecream? LOL...Would that be okay with you?. Well I suppose the Store's management can't possibly have a child or adult  unintentionally spilling ice cream in the shop, worse on the displayed goods!

Orient Sports has some 'Special Offers' for customers - reduced prices on certain items. They are located in Salem Mubarak Street.


Did you face this dilemna are talking to your spouse, or teen, sibling or friend and he or she 'selectively' does hear what you say, because the person is so engrossed watching T.V, or using the computer or reading a book, or sending text messages, or busy on the iPAD. Do you find you have to repeat yourself, as suddenly the person you are talking to goes, 'What did you say', and worst....returns to watching T.V., or computer or some gadget and half hears what you say or still does not 'hear' what you say. The reason is, the person's mind is so busy and occupied that they exhibit 'inattentional' deafness, as psychologists put it, subconsciously turning down the volume on anything else going around him, as his mind is totally engrossed in the gadget, that he cannot hear what is being said when someone is talking to him. 

Are people getting so intimate with their gadgets that they are turning deaf...paying little or no attention to the real life people around them. It's absolutely rude, uncaring and discourteous. People who are glued to their gadgets have to stop what they are doing and listen if someone is talking to them. Or else gadget lovers would have to face big time trouble with relationships in the long run.....