Saturday 7 January 2012


I am enjoying my holidays. I wish I had more time at hand, to upload some beautiful pictures I have taken.   I have ten more days left of my vacation, before I return to Kuwait. I'll upload the pictures then. The days just seem to fly. Each day, I find myself busy doing something nice. There are exhibitions and concerts happening and a variety of interesting places to visit.  I am charting out an iternary for the coming days. I am looking forward to visiting the annual Flowers and Mushroom show. I am surrounded by beautiful nature at its best all around me. Each day,  I wake early morning to watch the sunrise either from my bedroom balcony, or head for the 12th floor terrace for a grand view of the sunrise. The next thing I look forward to is the newspapers and before I look at the headlines, I look at all the music, art  and cultural activities happening in the Trivandrum city. It's a cultural hub with a lot to offer for lovers of all forms of art. 

I find myself spending more time in the kitchen during my vacation than when I am in Kuwait. Reason being, I am cooking for two special men in my life - my husband and my son. Though I am not totally a fan of my cooking, I think they are! My son has come down from U.S. for vacation and it's a pleasure to make all his favourite food. One very important person is missing during our family vacation, and that's my daughter. Wish she was here too. 

There is a good reason why I don't mention anything about my diet and exercise. I am on a temporary break from my regime - ahem... until I head back to Kuwait. I am trying hard to exercise restraint, but not to my very best though! But I shall soon return to my health conscious eating habits - no doubt about that!

Here are some random pictures taken during this vacation.

Fresh catch - at the beach
Brass statue at Trivandrum airport

A beautiful wooden chariot used during procession

Why is the baby placed on the ground - I don't know. Maybe I should have asked this question to the mother.

Penguin eggs on ice (just kidding ; they are boiled chicken eggs placed in salt)

Traditional Kerala lunch served on banana leaf

Its not a ladder, this is a very old steep staircase. Its feels like climbing a ladder actually.

Image credit - my husband.

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