Sunday 29 January 2012


When you are being yourself, you are being genuine and true to yourself and others. People can see that and will accept and appreciate you for who you are. Being yourself does not mean you do or say things that will hurt others, yet you can peacefully affirm and stand by your views and beliefs without being confrontational or  evoking conflict.  Being aware of your own thoughts, emotions,  strengths, abilities, motives and  preferences and conforming to those core values will lead you to a life of authenticity. You cannot be someone else or twist your values to please someone else for fear of rejection or criticism. The more authentic you are, the more peaceful and content you will be.   At the same time, there are lot of positive people with a great aura about them, from whom we can learn. We have a renewed opportunity, each day, to change our negative behaviours or traits to uplift ourselves to be able to experience a true sense of happiness. If you were to meet someone who was being himself and another person who  was full of pretense, empty promises and trying to be someone he isn't, you would sooner or later recognize the person who is authentic. Whose company would you enjoy and appreciate better? The answer is simple.

I saw this 'Be Yourself' t-shirt while I was at Bershka in Avenues. 

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