Friday 20 January 2012


There is an African proverb, 'Tomorrow belongs to the person who prepare for it today'.

When you observe people who are successful and wonder, what is the 'key' to their success, it's not a big secret, in fact it is an open secret if you pay attention. They have chosen to succeed and they are driven by determination. They prepare for it today for what they want tomorrow. Despite setbacks and thorns they might trample upon,  they keep working on their dreams and ambitions, because they know in their heart for sure, what ever effort they have put into realizing their goals, they will not go unrewarded; they know  the road they are travelling - unafraid and certain, they continuously journey towards their goal and learn from their mistakes along the way. Disappointments won't drive them to quit. When things don't work out, they are not worn down by the problems, they begin to think differently to create solutions for desirable results. They carry an attitude of 'I can', not 'I can't'. They find joy in what they do. The mysterious universe guides them along the way through people, situations and opportunities and takes them towards their destination. This happens, because they believe in themselves and their dreams.

We are all an integral, inseparable part of the Universe - your dreams, desires and ambitions are constantly being processed in the greater consciousness of the Universe. Successful people are not just dreamers - they design and manufacture their dreams. 

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