Wednesday 4 January 2012


I haven't been blogging since I am still on holidays.  I found some time today to do my first blog for 2012. Hope you all had a great New Year's eve and New Year's day!

How was the past year? Was it a great year or did you face some rough times? What are the memories you hold dear from 2011? 

Welcoming the New Year is a great feeling, that is experienced year after year on 31st of December. Ushering in the New Year is so full of dreams and wishes, saying goodbye old habits, trials and tribulations of the past year,hoping that they be replaced with great blessings and new ventures and good fortune. Sounds and feels great....that the new year has begun, although everything around us might still be physically the same. 

If we are looking for a positive change, then the attitudes we carry, our honest intent,  the efforts we put into our ventures are important. No change is possible or no goals can be met without determination and a will to succeed. So be it a change in job, education, losing weight, replacing negative habits and traits with empowering habits, restoring emotional balance,   it's entirely up to us. What are the lessons you  have learnt from the past year? What are the blessings you have experienced in the past year? What changes should you consider to make life better? The choices you make today is important, for they define and shape your future. If you made a resolution for greater good, twelve long months is a good amount of time to see through your resolutions. 

Have a great year ahead!

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