Sunday 22 January 2012


Closeness and understanding and an attitude of sister hood among women can make women stronger, and bring out the best in each woman.  Who can understand a woman better than another woman? If a woman had a fulfilling relationship with her mother, daughter, sister and women friends, life can be so enriching for both. If two lady neighbours or friends cast away their inhibitions about one another, stop thinking one is bigger, more intelligent, more rich, more attractive or sophisticated and accomplished than the other and rather support each other emotionally and share each other’s strengths,  spend quality time together, then,  not only will the relationship be wonderful, but  it nurtures the spirit and brings about great happiness.

There are times when I have felt, some women are afraid to come out of the fortress they have built around themselves to enjoy a beautiful and fulfilling relationship with other women and they struggle to put on a mask. Perhaps they are afraid to get hurt or they are afraid of the responsibility of friendship or afraid of committing emotionally. In some cases,  social and financial status, race, culture and religion stand as  a  barrier that prevents people from truly enjoying companionship. No matter which part of the world we come from, we are all humans, ultimately sharing similar emotions. 

A woman should have several or at least a few understanding, supportive, loving women friends whom she can count on, who appreciates her as a person, feel happy for her joys, offer support during difficult times, give her a genuine compliment and shares fun time with her. 

Some tips for building a joyful, genuine and long lasting friendship:

* Don't underestimate an emotionally or financially weaker person; she may have certain positive qualities or potential you were unaware of.

* Respect your friend's wishes or opinions if it differs from yours

* Don't pretend to be someone you are not.

* Don't give false hopes and promises to your friend.

* If you offer her advise and she doesn't accept it, you've done your part, don't feel bad; she has her own mind and will do what she considers best. 

* Don't let religion, race or culture come in the way of friendship

* Don't let little disagreements spoil your friendship; talk it out and solve it

* Don't take advantage of your friend in any way. Don't take her for granted.

* Respect her privacy, respect her space.

* Never covet your friend's husband, fiance or boyfriend.

* Never gossip about your friend, ridicule her or share her woes or secrets with anyone.

* Be happy whenever anything nice happens for your friend, never entertain feelings of envy. 


  1. like this article ! So true .. its an emotional therapy to have girls friends to share thoughts.....

  2. wish it was that easy ...
