Sunday 5 February 2012


Hala February 2012 Carnival was held on Saturday, February 4, at Salem Mubarak Street to kick off the month long Hala February shopping festival. We went there by 1pm. There was no traffic allowed in Salem Mubarak Street. The whole place was packed with people on either sides of the roads, waiting to watch the Carnival. We were moving about on the roads in the outer premises of Sultan Center and H&M stores and Fanar Mall, from where, the view was great. The entire street was decorated with arches and balloons and logos of Hala February. The carnival parade started around 1.30pm. There were motorbike and vintage, classic and luxury car parades, circus clowns and acrobats, bands, parade by police dogs,  cartoon characters, jugglers, cultural presentations and dances from different countries in their traditional costumes. On either side of the road, there were a number of stalls selling curios, jewellery, handicrafts, outfits, food, toys etc. There were some displays by army and navy. There were embassy stalls from different countries. I got an authentic papyrus with hierogliphics inscription from the Egyptian Embassy counter. There were make shift stages set up for musical and dance shows. I also managed to visit the Pizza Hut counter, where they had prepared a huge Pizza in the shape and colour of Kuwait's Flag. They were slicing and giving out pizzas to the public. The pizza was quite good. The weather in the afternoon was fantastic, bright sunny, yet it was chilly in the shade. I enjoyed the Carnival. It was quite entertaining. The parade stopped before 3pm.  However, the crowd would have stayed back to watch the  musical and cultural shows and other activities which would have carried on till late evening.  We left from there around 4pm.  Here are some pictures from the Carnival.

Kuwait Flag Pizza by Pizza Hut


  1. I dint knw so much happenings out there..when was this? looks like day time..and whr was this held? Havent seen something like this in kwt b4. Nice...

  2. The Carnival was held to celebrate the Hala February shopping fest at Salem Mubarak street. The location and other details are mentioned in detail in my post. It was held on Saturday February 4. They hold it every year.

  3. Im upset looks like it was really well organised...and i knew about it but didn't go because the lst one wasn't that great !!!

  4. Hi R.M &Fjk! Yes it was really nice and entertaining. I couldn't make it to the Hala Feb Carnival last year, so I made sure I went this time. I am not certain, but they might have Hala Feb concluding carnival event somewhere in the 4th week of February. Will put it up in my blog if that happens. Also, during Hala Feb, most of the malls would be having various fun and cultural events happening. Have to do a bit finding out...and put up details.
