Tuesday 28 February 2012


When I talk to most of the young parents, I feel they are so busy with office work and house hold chores, and the children are busy with loads of homework, assignments, and preparing for tests. 'We have no time' is a common statement I hear parents say. Children seem to spend less time playing outside. In a world that's reigned by technology,  leisure means, surfing the net, checking facebook, playing video or computer games or texting and talking on the cell phone. Technology is good, but it's best when it's kept under check when it comes to young children. Children are not built to be sedentary and it's extremely unhealthy for them. They need to run about and play - they need a lot of physical activity. It's important to involve them in some sport or send them out to play with friends for an hour atleast. 

Every day, spend some family time together, find that time that everyone don't seem to have...talk to them, find out if they have any issues or problems at school, laugh with them, listen to their stories patiently. Don't compare them with other children. Bring out the best in them, by letting them believe in themselves and by letting them know how much you love them. It's important to take your children out every weekend and spend some fun time with them. Over the years, children will may not remember all the expensive clothes or gifts you bought them, but they sure will remember how they were treated and whether you were there for them whenever they needed you. 

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