Thursday 23 February 2012


Before I talk about the positive health benefits of getting a regular body massage, a word of caution - please make sure you get your body massage done by a trained person and inform your therapist to give you a moderate to light pressure massage. Body massage is a combination of scientific and artistic strokes that makes a person feel comfortable and relaxed. If an untrained person gives you a body massage, applying too much or the wrong sort of pressure, you are likely to end up with pain instead of feeling rejuvenated. Tell your therapist not to massage or apply pressure to the entire length of spinal area and if you feel any sort of discomfort of pain during the session, inform your therapist and ask to apply light strokes or light pressure. I don't mean to scare you but choosing the right place and the right person to get your massage done is very important. 

Body massages have been carried out from ancient times and today, this practice has attained an important place as a holistic cure and preventive therapy for various ailments. Massages are of different kinds for different purposes. It's quite beneficial if an oil massage is followed by a steam bath or sauna, before you head for the shower, if steam/sauna is available. Steam bath or sauna following a massage facilitates toxins to be expelled through sweating. Body massage should also include scalp massage. Personally I would recommend medicated, aromatic oil or cream based massage, though it might seem a bit messy, but it really isn't so. There are a few varieties of dry massages available for those who don't like the idea of oil or cream massage. It's a matter of personal choice whether you want to have a massage once week, every fortnight, or just once a month.

In my next post, I shall talk about the different kinds of massages that are offered by various massage therapists. 

Now for the health benefits of regular massage:

* Increase in concentration
* Feel energized
* Makes you more alert

* Relaxing 
* Calming
* Reduces blood pressure
* Overall feeling of wellness
* Stress level is considerably reduced
* Feel cared for
* Releases muscle tension and stiffness
* Makes joints more supple and flexible
* Reduces fatigue
* Softens the skin
* Improves skin tone if done regularly
* Helps you get good sleep
* Boosts immunity
* Improves blood circulation
* Relaxes the muscles and entire body
* Feel rejuvenated

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