Thursday 9 February 2012


Craig Lewis - after the successful implant of the device that helps him live without a heart

The continuous flow device

Dr. Bud Frazier and Dr. Billy Cohn, Texas Heart Institute

One of the biggest causes of death across the world is heart disease and heart failure. Craig Lewis, 55, was dying from cardiac amyloidosis, a heart condition where there was a build up of abnormal proteins, which clog the organs and they stop working. Dr. Billy Cohn and Dr. Bud Frazier from Texas Heart Institute came up with a solution and successfully replaced the patient's heart with a 'continuous flow device' that will allow blood to circulate in his body, without a heartbeat or pulse. When doctors put a stethoscope to his chest, there was no heartbeat or pulse except a humming sound! And now Craig Lewis lives without a heart. 'He wanted to live, and we didn’t want to lose him,' said his wife. 

This device was developed by Dr. Billy Cohn and Dr. Bud Frazier some time back, and they had tested it on 50 calves, by removing the animals' hearts and replacing with the continuous flow device. The device  helped to circulate blood in their bodies. By the next day, the calves were very much like the day before, eating, sleeping and moving about, without a heart. 

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