Wednesday 28 March 2012


Did you notice when you go into the malls, there are shops displaying orange colored outfits, some of them really bright orange and of course, even soft shades of orange. Do you know why? That's because orange is one of the colors for the spring 2012. And I think I really like it. May be it's because I love eating oranges almost every day and I am so used to the beauty of the color. It's a pretty outrageous color when it comes to wearing a bright orange colored top or trouser. Let's now look at rest of colors for spring/summer 2012.

The Pantene Color Institute shared the upcoming color trends for Spring 2012 wardrobe.

We Connect Fashion reported the following beautiful color trend for Spring 2012 according to Fashion Snoop and Color Trend Report. 

So what's your favourite color from both the colour trend charts? There has to be definitely more than one. Some of the colors look fabulous, don't you think?.

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