Tuesday 24 April 2012


If you are a movie buff or a music lover, you grow up watching your favorite stars on the silver screen and listening to your favourite musicians and they somehow become a part of your life in terms of entertainment. Go a little further, die hard fans would keep a tab of every important event in their favorite celebrity's life. Here are    some famous celebrities we all know of. How about taking a quick peak at their photos of how they looked years ago and how they look now.  Who are your favorite celebrities among these?

 YESTERYEAR PHOTOS OF CELEBS                                                  HOW THEY LOOK TODAY                                          
Al Pacino 
Al Pacino

Brad Pitt

Dustin Hoffman

George Clooney

Lindsay L

Reese Witherspoon

Rober Redford

Tom Cruise

Meryl Streep

Michael Douglas

Nick Nolte

Nicole Kidman

Julia Roberts

Britney Spears

Sandra Bullock

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