Sunday 22 April 2012


Today,  April 22 is Earth Day, a global event observed by people and nations across the world to make the world a better place, a sustainable place by reducing all kind of pollution, saying no to plastic, saving forests, consuming less electricity, even saving the animals by going vegetarian, building eco friendly homes and buildings, resorting to alternative energies. There are so many ways of going green. Celebrating Earth Day means doing your bit too, not just today, but everyday. What are the ways in which you can make earth a better place. The motto for this year's Earth Day is 'Let's Move the Earth'. Among the things promoted on Earth Day include the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act.

* Reduce use of plastic bags and substitute with eco friendly bags.
* Use less paper.
* Living a chemical free life.
* Consider vegetarian for better health and to save the animals.
* Use energy efficient light bulbs.
* Using alternative Energy sources / Green Energy.
* Listen to songs that expresses beauty of nature and environment or saving our planet.
* Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
* Be innovative, think of ideas of converting waste into something useful.
* Plant trees; or make a small garden.
* Watch documentaries and movie related to our environment to increase awareness and concern for our planet.
* Go for walks outside rather than using the treadmill. Save electricity, enjoy nature.
* Grow vegetables in your back yard if you have the space.
* Switch off unnecessary lights.
* Not everyone can go vegetarian so adopt meatless days atleast 3 times a week.
* Volunteer / participate in environment cleaning group activities like cleaning public park, beaches etc.
* Teach your children that earth is our home and how each of us is responsible to do our part to protect it. Encourage and involve them in environment caring activities.
* Involve children in art and craft activities related to our environment and appreciate nature.

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