Tuesday 24 April 2012


Children are so cute...My cousin in Virginia has a little son Kyle, who is smart and adorable. Here is something I'd like to share which my cousin posted on Facebook the other day. 

Kyle comes home from school, sees me on the family room sofa, with the laptop and the IPads spread around me, plus the TV is on and I have some paper I had to fill. Kyle comes, kisses me on my cheeks and tells it looks like u r busy like daddy and asks me if I was making something for him "To Eat". I said, "No" ( coz I was leaving to pick up Naomi from School). He then tells me, if u r not cooking anything for me, then what is that burning in the Kitchen. I immediately jump off the sofa and run to the Kitchen. I then tell him that I don't see anything burning and how come he felt that. For that he replies, "Sorry mommy I was just joking, now that u r in the Kitchen Can u cook something for ME?"

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