Thursday 3 May 2012


Finally I've finished my packing - well at least 98%. I can now breathe a sigh of relief (I think.. but it's not over...I am still busy with a lot of things to do before I leave tonight). Thanks to my dear hubby whom I can always count on for everything.  I'll be off on my much waited vacation to the U.S. for 10 days and following 8 days in UK. Yipeee!  I can't wait to see my son and daughter. The only thing I dislike about my journey is the long flight that would seem like endless hours of just sitting in the plane.  

Wish list during my flight
* I hope I fall asleep in the plane
* My poor feet - hope they don't get swollen like last time during the long flight
* Time, can you please fly so fast that I reach U.S. before I even know

I am not sure if I'd be able to find time to blog everyday while on vacation, but I'll try to put up pictures if and when I can. Do visit my blog, there are a lot of interesting and useful older posts on many topics. Think positive, eat mindfully, exercise, keep negativity of all sorts at bay and  have a great time. 

- Kuweight 64

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