Tuesday 22 May 2012


One of the main reasons for our trip to Michigan, was to attend our son's graduation (commencement). He did his masters in Alternative Energy Technology Engineering. We were so glad we could attend it and also spend time with our son. Its just once a year we get to meet our son and daughter, so, our vacations with them are always special. We went to Niagara Falls as seen from U.S. side.  My husband drove all the way from Michigan to Niagara in New York.  It was a beautiful and amazing experience to see the falls and the surroundings during the day and when its all lit up at night. Part of our visit to the famed falls included traveling by boat close to the bottom of the falls where its misty and water sprays right on you and you can get drenched. Its called 'Maid of the Mist', I enjoyed that! 'Caves of the Winds' activity involved walking up and down a huge set of stairs built under the falls so you can actually see and experience the majestic waterfalls at close quarters and even get soaking wet if you are too close, which a lot of people did enjoy doing. I didnt want to get totally drenched, so I did go up the stairs but stood a bit away, so my camera and clothes don't get wet, and still got to enjoy the majestic falls. Of course we are all provided with rain coat sort of thing, but the winds there are strong and your protective gears can get unmanageable.   There is so much to see in Niagara. The place was flooded with tourists.  And just across you can see Canada. The best time to visit Niagara is between June and August, when there are hoards of activities happening all around Niagara. Here are some pictures for you.


1 comment:

  1. Woooww....mind blowing...I shud hav askd u to bring me the Niagra(when u askd me wht do i need fm the US) lol...I am reminded abt a joke i read on FB. It goes...

    Guide : I welcome you all to Niagara Falls, these are the world's largest waterfalls and the sound intensity of the waterfall is so high, even 20 supersonic planes passing by can't be heard.

    Now may I request the ladies to keep quite so that we can hear the Niagara Falls.
