Friday 8 June 2012


Yesterday I attended the 'Detox and Exercise' workshop at Six Senses Spa in Hotel Missoni. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Ezequiel Ventura, who shared some really interesting information on Detox and Exercise. He explained that we need to detox to remove the toxins that accumulate in our bodies through, air, water and even the food we eat. Six Senses Spa offers a one day or four day detox program, that would include fresh fruit and vegetable juices, herb blends, massages and exercise tailored to detoxify one's system. Benefits of detox would help release toxins from the body, feel refreshed and revitalized, tone, carry out acid purification, aid evacuation, get good sleep and speed metabolism. Detox would make you feel lighter, more energetic, give you better skin and improved health. This is to be followed by a conscious lifestyle change which means healthy eating and exercising for optimum health.  He stressed on the importance of including raw food in our daily diet.

Mr. Ventura talked about the benefits and importance of physical activity which should either be 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise 5 days a week or 20 minutes of vigorous exercise 3 times a week. He said how important it is to lose fat and gain muscle and increase muscle strength. People who are more active have lower risk to cancer, diabetes, strokes, hypertension, osteoporosis and depression which are life style diseases. And for weight loss aspirants, his advice was to eat healthy from all food groups, avoiding too much oil and sugary stuff, consume less calories, and exercise, and definitely you can lose excess weight. It's essential to include strength training, work out the whole body and don't try to lose more than 2 kg a week. Another important advice was not to fall prey for pills and diets that promises to help you lose weight fast and how dangerous liposuction can be and the best and safest way to lose weight is follow a healthy diet and exercise plan.

Mr. Ezequiel Ventura is a certified and well qualified personal trainer at Six Senses Spa who can guide you through a personalized exercise program suited for you to keep fit, lose weight or both. Six Senses Spa also has a number of therapeutical programs such as health, holistic, weight loss, stress relief, detox, energizing, relaxation and beauty programs you could avail of; all carried out by well trained therapists and staff.

Concact Six Senses Spa, Hotel Missoni, Salmiah at 25770077

Ezequiel Ventura

Six Senses Spa

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