Monday 25 June 2012


 I have always been a fan of Jennifer Aniston from the time I used watch  her  in the popular t.v. series 'Friends'.  After 'Friends' ran for a decade and came to a closure in 2004, we have always watched  her movies. One amazing fact about Jennifer Aniston is that, she has hardly aged, though she is 43. She looks amazingly healthy with glowing skin and a wonderful toned body. She can easily pass for a young woman in her 20's. So how does she manage that. She has a tough fitness routine combining strength training, cardio (spinning, running, the elliptical) , yoga three times a week and pilates once a week. She also believes in 8 hours of sleep and drinking plenty of water and eating healthy.  If a celebrity as busy as her can find time to eat healthy, work out and stay fit, anyone who aspires to be more healthy or fit or lose weight, achieve their goals.  The important thing is your desire to stay fit and eat healthy should be a decision based on the fact that you realize why and  how important it is to be healthy and no one other than you can nurture your health.

Once in a week, Jennifer Aniston is said to have a wonder smoothie, a super health drink,  using fresh organic vegetables. It prevents bloating,  helps mood swings, eases water retention and has blood cleansing benefits (by helping to clear blood of accumulated toxins). The smoothie is made using beetroot, carrot, cucumber, spinach, parsley, garlic, celery and kale. 

You can try it too for a glowing health. The vegetables and greens are anyway, wonder foods with great health benefits.

Jennifer Aniston with boyfriend Justin Theroux  in Paris (June 12)

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