Tuesday 12 June 2012


Laughing Buddha of Prosperity - with both hands raised, holding a Ru-Yi bowl of plenty in one hand and a golden ball of wealth in the other (Food Court, Mall near Niagara Falls)
According to Feng Shui and in countries like China and Japan and now  followed in many other countries too, Laughing Buddha is a sign of  joy and wealth. In Japan its known as Happy Buddha or Hotei and in China its called Pu-Tai. I  have noticed Laughing Buddha statues in different forms and positions like sitting down, with a fan, with hands up. A lot of people believe it's lucky to have a laughing buddha at the office, home or even business place. I have a friend who totally believes in Feng Shui and has everything in her house positioned and placed according to Feng Shui. Well, I must admit, though she is doing pretty good in life, however, she too faces ups and downs in life and challenges like any one else. I personally believe what works is your faith, your beliefs and convictions and a mindset to follow your goals or ambitions no matter what and a never give up attitude. They are miracle workers. 

While at Niagara Falls, it was late night, we were famished and looking out for a close by eatery, so, we went to this Food court that had lots of restaurants. While I approached the counter of a restaurant, I noticed a huge laughing buddha that stood at the side, whose  wooden sculpted face beamed with happiness and hands up in the air  holding a bowl of plenty (Ru Yi) and a golden ball of wealth.  It is believed that a laughing buddha in such a position would bring wealth and properity, by attracting a lot of customers! The laughing buddha reminded me of my mother's best friend, who is no more. She was heavily built lady, unmarried, lived alone; she was a teacher and an artist, whose personality burst with great positive energy and she touched the lives of many. Spending a mere five minutes in her company, would recharge you of depleted energies and make you feel happy and you begin to love and appreciate life. A visit to her house would leave one feeling so good. Now that was the kind of power she had over others.  Besides she had a solution for everyone who approached her with big or small problems. She helped people in need, Honestly, laughing buddha reminds me of this wonderful lady, my mother's best friend.

I must blog about Laughing Buddha, I thought. So here it finally...my post on 'Laughing Buddha' and it's meaning and importance. I'ts believed that the Laughing Buddha is modeled after a fat wandering Zen monk, named Ch'i-t'zu, from Fenghua, which is now the province of Zhejiang  in China. Ch'i-t'zu was an eccentric but much-loved character who worked small wonders. He was bald, with wrinkled forehead and a huge belly which he would leave uncovered . He later came to be known as Pu-Tai or hemp sack. He used to carry a cloth bag filled with candies for children. He had a cheerful disposition and was very popular with children. He was considered the protector of children, poor and the weak. His hemp bag came to be interpreted as filled with health, wealth, happiness, prosperity and abundance. Pu-tai or Laughing Buddha is often found near the entrance of Chinese Buddhist temples. The tradition of rubbing Pu-tai's belly for good luck is a folk practice.

If you have a laughing buddha or get one as a gift or even plan on getting one, you might wonder, how or where or where to place it. Feng Shui experts claim that laughing buddha is to be placed at a height of 30 inches, facing the main door, to greet the energies that come in and turn them prosperous. Never place directly on the floor or in the bedroom or dining room.

In case you are wondering, no I don't have a Laughing Buddha (yet).

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