Friday 24 August 2012


On Wednesday (August 22), my husband and I went to see the much talked about Alladin Show that was taking place in the 360 Mall. It was the final day of the four day show. I was glad we went for it. It was a great show by a group of talented artists that entertained and kept the crowd mesmerized with their acrobatic skills and various feats.

The show started at 7pm and ended around 9.30pm with short breaks after each show. There were three different shows. The first was the Genie Show, followed by Magic Show and the last was the Fire Show. We enjoyed all the three.  A big thanks to Viva Telecom and 360 Mall for arranging this show for the public. The crowd was quite enthralled with the performance.

Here are some photos I took of the show

Genie Show

Magic Show

Fire Show

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