Sunday 9 September 2012


I do find some superstitions amusing, interesting or sometimes shocking. Many times in life, black cats (and adorable black kittens) have crossed my path. I've broken mirrors and glasses - well accidently. Nothing bad or out of the ordinary ever happened any of those times. I read the other day, that in many countries, people even today consider gifting a time piece - wrist watch, alarm clock, wall clock, pocket watch so on, will bring bad luck. The same belief system exist in Feng Shui as well.  I am not against Feng Shui. In fact it's a very interesting subject. According to the superstition, timepieces measure the passage of time and when you gift a time piece of any sort, it symbolizes a limited lifespan to the recipient or stealing life from others, which is very inauspicious. I have at various times in my life received watches as gift (from my husband and son).  I didn't experience anything negative. We have gifted watches to friends, relatives and family through the years. Let me think.... did I have a bad relation with any of them after gifting? No. Did they experience anything bad upon receiving a watch? No . Are they all leading a fairly good life? Yes.

Watches and clocks, are common gifts given by people. If we give power to thoughts, they take shape and form. If you think of good things, harbor faith, believe in your dreams, you are bound to attract good. If  you are constantly afraid and fearful of something, you are likely to attract the very thing you fear, into your life. Don't entertain unnecessary thoughts and superstitions.


  1. I agree, those were just merely myths and for me I don't believe on it.

  2. I don't have anything about superstitions, too. I think wristwatches are excellent gifts, especially if you choose the best ones like Rolex.

  3. Swatch watches and other known brands are ideal as gifts. It really does not matter if the belief in gifting a timepiece is true or not. You just go and follow what you believe in or what you think would be alright to do. :)

  4. Hey, thank you for this article. I have a question. I have recently heard that giving shoes as a gift on Christmas to your lover means they will walk away from you. Before knowing this I gave my significant other shoes for Christmas and now I'm really worried. Have you experienced this before and what do you think of this superstition?

  5. Thank you. And it is true. It is in our hands to change our belief system.
