Thursday 6 September 2012


My simple vegetable salad (orange and yellow bell peppers, cucumbers and carrots without any salt or dressing)

Last year, I went on detoxification diet for two months and lost quite a bit of weight. I felt great, lighter and much healthier. This time I am somewhat doing something similar, it's called The Clean Eating Challenge.

What is clean eating? It's simple, you can't get healthy without eating healthy. Eating right is the answer to good health.  When you eat a lot of junk, sugary and fried stuff, it will definitely show through excess weight, lack of stamina or energy, and even cause life style diseases like diabetes and heart disease.  When you eat whole, healthy and fresh foods, you will begin to glow with good health. You will  have endless energy, less stress, experience weight loss, better skin, clarity of thought and mind.

I've been on Clean Eating since the past 4 days. I have stopped eating wheat and any wheat based items. I do have rice though, in moderate amounts.  I have included plenty of green leaves, vegetables (raw and cooked), fruits, lean meat, fish, milk and eggs for protein in my diet. I have been eating smaller portions and drink plenty of water - 8 to 10 glasses. I am totally avoiding all junk food, restaurant foods/take aways, sugary stuff, refined food, fried stuff (which I generally don't have in the first place) and I am using less oil for cooking, no saturated fats or transfats, no buffets, no artificial juices, no soft drinks,  and absolutely nothing canned, no processed foods or meats and nothing that contains preservatives.

You can have 3 small meals a day with 2 healthy snacks in between. Never skip a meal, especially breakfast. Snacks can be a piece of fruit, cucumber, banana, few nuts, orange, apple, pomegranate, few dates, cherries and so on. I have a cup of tea in the morning with a teaspoon of natural sugar. Though clean eating can be a bit overwhelming at first, you will get used to it in a matter of one week. After that you will be fine with the new changes as you begin to experience the difference and improvement in your overall well being. If you eat this way regularly, all the stuff you enjoyed earlier, will not matter anymore. Do you want to lose weight, are you ready to make small changes and eat and live healthy? I am here to inspire you (and myself), so why wait? Start now...start soon...don't wait until after the weekend.  I almost have to exercise..walking, cycling, jogging, dancing, yoga, cardio, aerobics, whatever you choose.

I shall keep posting on my Clean Eating Challenge progress.

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