Tuesday 20 November 2012


We were at the beach near the Kuwait Towers on Saturday afternoon. The weather was fantastic. I just love being by the sea. Its so serene and peaceful. We saw this man at the pier fishing. He was catching a whole lot of fishes each time he cast his net. He would release them on the wooden planks of the tier and then place them in a huge bag. And this went on. He called out to us to come and take some fresh fish back home. And my husband waved his hand in negative.  He kept calling out to us and finally my husband went up to the pier and he was surprised at the amount of fish this man had caught. The man insisted and gave away about 10 kg fish to my husband. The fish is called Meed out here. It's small and scaly and resembles sardines. They are good for health. There were two other  fishing and they were able to get lots of fishes as well.  When we returned home in the evening, we shared almost half with our neighbour. The next day I grilled some (for me) and fried some for my husband and they tasted great. When I told this to my son, he called it life's little surprises. Here are some photos.

Can you see the fishes caught in the net?

Look at the net.  You can see the fishes little more clearly now

We were given a huge bag with  plenty of fish

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